Sandra Jeffers

Team Work Catalan Style
@ Cool Stars 17 conference in Barcelona!
My Team
If you want to be involved....
2022-- Florian Liebing -- RedDots: Detecting all of the terrestrial exoplanets orbiting our closest stellar neighbours
PhD students
2019--2023 Emma Brown -- The Magnetic Fields, Activity and Hidden Companions of Solar-type Stars
2018--2022 Florian Leibing -- DFG funded "Impact of stellar activity jitter on
detecting earth-like exoplanets"
2013--17 Sudeshna Boro Sakia -- DFG funded "Magnetic Cool Stars"
Masters and Bachelors students
2009 -- Supervisor of >15 MSc and BSc students
Former postdoc
2015 Ulrike Lemke "High precision RV measurements of the Sun"
Former students
2015 Patrick Schoefer "RV and activity in Preparation for CARMENES"
2014 Andre Lamerts "High Resolution Data Preparation for CARMENES"
2014 Martha Saladino "Dynamical evolution of Planetary Systems Stars
2013 Javier Alonso Floriano "High Resolution Data Preparation for
PhD internship student
2013 Thibaut Roger "Spectral Typing from High Resolution CAFE data"
Masters intership student
2013 Abhay Pratap Yadev "Study of Chromospheric Activty"
Astromundus student
2013 Patrick Schoefer "Spectral Typing HRS data"
Bachelors thesis
2010 Edwin van der Helm "Dynamical Evolution of Halley-type Comets"
Masters student
2007-2011 Hector Canovas "High Contrast Polarimetric Imaging of
Circumstellar Environments"
PhD student - partial supervision