Sandra Jeffers
Brief CV
Professional ​info​​
My professional experience focuses on the detection of small rocky exoplanets and understanding the magnetic activity of their host stars. I have also been involved in many instrumental projects
I have more than 10 years of Project Management experience of complex projects and I recently passed my PMP exam.
I am also a Scrum Master I and II, Project Owner I and II.
Work Experience
Group Leader, Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research Gottingen
2020 -
I am currently a group leader and the Principle Investigator of the RedDots exoplanet search program to detect all of the terrestrial planets orbiting the stars closest to our Solar System. More details on the large-international projects that I am currently involved in, my latest research results and my teaching profile can be found on this webpage
Akademische Rätin, Gottingen
​2011 - 2020
I was lecturer at the Institute for Astrophysics in Goettingen Germany.
Postdoctoral Researcher - Utrecht University
During my time in Utrecht I was the instrument scientist for
​Instrument scientist for the EXPO imaging polarimeter, and I was also on the science team for SPHERE.
Marie Curie Fellow - OMP, Toulouse
​As a Marie Curie fellow I aquired expertise in tomographic mapping of magnetically active stars

2023 BCool meeting -- SOC chair
2021 BCool meeting -- SOC chair
2017-9 Organisor of Physics Faculty Colloquium
2017 Exoplanets splinter session
Astronomishe Gesellschaft
2015 chair Stellar Dynamos conf.
2015 AG splinter 'Stellar Activity'
2013 CARMENES Science Meeting
2012 -- IAG/MPS dymano/activity
discussion group
2012 BCool meeting
2009 Polarisation in Disks
Workshop - Utrecht
2008-2011 Dutch exoplanets group

Many PhD and Masters thesis
Universität Göttingen
I was awarded my Habilitation degree in October 2019
University of St Andrews
​I was awarded my PhD in June 2005 on the "Surface Mapping of Solar-type Stars" supervised by Prof. Andrew Cameron
The Queen's University of Belfast
​BSc and MPhil degrees
​First class honours